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Query: EC2 Reserved Instance Purchased
Detect when an EC2 Reserved Instance was purchased. Purchasing reserved instances may indicate changes in resource planning or cost management strategies, which should be reviewed for compliance and alignment with organizational policies.
Tables used in this query:
Detections using this query:
select tp_timestamp as timestamp, string_split(event_source, '.') [ 1 ] || ':' || event_name as operation, response_elements ->> 'reservedInstancesId' as resource, user_identity.arn as actor, tp_source_ip as source_ip, tp_index as account_id, aws_region as region, tp_id as source_id, *from aws_cloudtrail_logwhere event_source = '' and event_name = 'PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering' and error_code is nullorder by tp_timestamp desc;
recommended = true